

This Social Support Group for individuals with disabilities was started with the belief that every person is valuable and meant to have meaningful friendships and opportunities. We believe that personal resilience can be fostered with the help and support of a community. Our membership provides the place and space for personal growth, self-reflection, learning, and bonding. We hope you will join us.

Why we started OPE!

The United States has a public health crisis epidemic of loneliness and isolation.  The U.S. Surgeon general has advised that a lack of connection effects our mental and physical health and can cause premature death levels that compare to smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

The idea of OPE! started when both Betsy and Barbara realized, through working with adults with disabilities, that there were not enough opportunities for people with disabilities to meet other people and develop friendships in a supportive environment.  They also realized that the people that most need these services require extra support to actually make them happen as they are often unsure how to create these interactions themselves. Through a trial of this business, they realized this was absolutely true when students asked for the business to be started quickly so they could continue interactions.

OPE! wants to offer two to three social interactions each week (there will be a choice between two online and one in person).  There will be facilitators in each discussion to try to help with the flow, but the goal is that individuals will be able to have authentic friendships.

For those living in Indiana, OPE! would also like to offer some extra opportunities for celebrations and field trips!


Connecting Friends

Ope! is dedicated to helping people build meaningful and lasting relationships.  Our goal is to empower individuals to create positive, lasting relationships with those around them.  We will help people build and strengthen their interpersonal relationships through open and honest communication. Our experienced facilitators will provide guidance and structure to assist in developing a better understanding of themselves and their relationships with others. Through this process, you will learn the power of connection, and discover how to build meaningful and lasting friendships.  With a range of online resources, personal advice, and activities geared towards connecting and strengthening relationships, Ope! is the perfect way to build meaningful, lasting connections.

Get To Know Us

Betsy Fouts

Betsy Fouts has worked in Education since 1994.  She has been a special education teacher, school counselor, education coordinator and now directs the disability programs at University of Indianapolis.  While working at UIndy, she created the Autism support piece that has become a well-known part of the BUILD Program.

Betsy has always had a dream to create an adult program for individuals with disabilities.

Barbara Griffith

Barbara Griffith has worked as a speech language pathologist and audiologist in hospitals, schools, and private practice.  Interactions with people demonstrated that there was a need for young adults to meet and to make friends in a comfortable environment.  Seeing the lack of available options for young adults, she was excited to help create this opportunity for others. 


